Saturday, January 11, 2014

35 days to Love & Magick Book Launch!

Are you familiar with this tale of a lesser-known Snow White? 

One of my two short stories in the LOVE & MAGICK anthology,  Enchanted Protector, is very loosely based on the fairy tale, Snow White and Rose Red, by the Brothers Grimm. If you are not familiar with the Grimms' story, I highly recommend you read the fairy tale. You'll have fun picking out the similarities and differences between the two stories. 

Here's a teaser to peak your interest: 

In Enchanted Protector, a prince has been spellbound in the body of a wolf. In the Grimms' fairy tale, a prince has been spellbound in the body of a much bigger predator.

Rediscover the stories you loved as a child! Read Grimm's Fairy Tales.

Thursday, January 9, 2014

37 Days and Counting Until Our Book Launch!


Love & Magick is a collection of mystical stories of romance. Why mystical romance? My thesaurus tells me mystical = spiritual, magical, supernatural, transcendent, preternatural. Our stories include elements of fairytales, alternative spirituality, restless spirits, curses, enchantments, witches, wise women second sight...

Mystical seems to fit, doesn't it?

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

39 Days and Counting!!! The time is flying by and our excitement grows with the passing of each day (yes, a cliché but equally true).

40 Days and Counting!!!